…environment is what gives it such potent adaptogenic properties. An adaptogen is a substance that bolsters the body’s ability to resist the negative effects of disease and stress, both physical and emotional. Originally researched by Soviet scientists during the Cold War for it’s multiple physiological and psychological benefits, Rhodiola rosea is no longer a secret. Now much research is being done all over the world into this powerful antidote to the stresses of everyday life….
Search Results for: https:/www.tempcontrolpack.com/pt/knowledge/ambient-temperature-key-concepts-and-its-role-in-cold-chain-packaging/姚ek2
Superfoods Series: Onions
…fed a diet high in raw onions, gained significant protection against heart attack and stroke. Quercetin also plays a very important role in cancer prevention because of it’s ability to detoxify the body from hormones, heavy metals and environmental toxins. A 1998 French case-control study revealed that French women who consumed the most onions had a lower incidence of breast cancer. A more profound cancer-inhibiting effect was observed when quercetin was combined with curcumin, the…
COVID-19 & Your Mental Health
…during such a trying time? Below, I have some steps you can take to help relieve some of the stress you may be feeling during this crisis. Keep in mind that children are especially vulnerable to information overload as they do not yet possess the reasoning skills or life experience required to sort through the huge amounts of complicated information they are being bombarded with. Everyone handles this sort of crisis differently. Be cognisant of…
Thank You
Thank you for your donation! Your support helps to keep quality content available for all here on HealthySolutions4Living.com and on my nutritional database www.HealthySolutions4Living.info. Best in Health, John …
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