…amino acids are not processed in the same way as when obtained naturally through complete proteins. Instead, they overstimulate brain cells, literally “exciting them to death”. This is why aspartame is classified as an excitotoxin. Leave it to modern ingenuity and corporate greed to take two natural substances, combine it with a known poison and call it safe. Further contributing to it’s toxicity is the methanol component of aspartame. When ingested, methanol is converted by…
Search Results for: https:/www.tempcontrolpack.com/pt/knowledge/ambient-temperature-key-concepts-and-its-role-in-cold-chain-packaging/姚ek2
Gluten Gluttony
…gluten flour to make a doughy spongy bread. Even after seeing improvements in my clients’ health as the result of eliminating gluten from their lives, I still didn’t believe that gluten could be part of my stomach troubles. It was not for lack of knowledge on the subject but more of a reluctance to give up all those comfort foods I grew up on. No more sandwiches? No more pasta? And worst of all…no…
Why Should I Manage My Rising PSA?
…your key to success! If you are a man over 40 and do not know your PSA number, you should. Early intervention is the key to preventing prostate cancer. To take advantage of the RESOURCES page where you can access the Prostate Cancer Risk Calculator and PSA Doubling Time calculator, please become a member by going to the REGISTER tab. If you would like assistance developing a customized plan to lower your PSA please feel…
Flu Shot or Not?
…possible. Due to complications from Lyme disease my immune system is delicate and doesn’t need any additional challenges. Additionally, I cannot justify injecting myself with toxic heavy metals after spending considerable time, effort and money detoxifying myself from a large heavy metal burden I acquired while in the military. My clients often ask what measures they can employ to reduce their chances of getting the flu should they not wish to receive the vaccine. The…
Why I Am Not A Fan Of Calorie Counting
…one pound of fat contains 3500 calories. Seems simple, right? The problem with this theory is that it is based on simple math. The human body is a complex living machine that is far from simple. When you fill your car up with gasoline, do you always get the same number of miles per tank? Of course not! There are many variables to consider: tire pressure, quality of fuel, condition of engine components, air temperature,…