…complex machine, one that we will never come to fully understand in our lifetime. Treating the body with drugs that we do not fully understand only introduces another layer of complexity which leads us farther from the truth. The lifestyle changes I outlined above is a good place for most people to start. If your health situation is more complicated further investigation and supplementation will be required. I hope I have provided you with information…
Search Results for: https:/www.tempcontrolpack.com/pt/knowledge/ambient-temperature-key-concepts-and-its-role-in-cold-chain-packaging/姚ek2
Your Cancer Lifestyle
…of your cancer treatment is not unusual. If you suspect that you may have PTSD consult with a mental health professional. When treating your PTSD try to employ techniques that do not involve the use of drugs. Medications should only be used when you have exhausted all other methods. Some popular drug free techniques for managing PTSD are EMDR, EFT and TRE. If you have long standing trauma or are treatment resistant, I recommend giving…
Prostate Cancer Testing: Navigating The Maze
…patients. The results have recently been replicated in a prospective blinded clinical study conducted at 26 urology centers across the United States on 1,012 patients. Based on the results of this clinical study, as many as 30-58% of biopsies are avoidable using the 4Kscore Test.” For more information on this test, how it works and where to get it; please go to www.4kscore.com. Urine PCA3 PCA3 is a diagnostic test performed on urine that…
Got Sleep?
…flow is directed away from the extremities in an effort to maintain core temperature. So even if you regulate bedroom temperature your extremities can still feel like they’re cold. Wearing socks and even gloves to bed helps to regulate body temperature making you feel more relaxed. 18. Turn off the TV. The bright light generated by a television can disrupt the pineal gland’s production of melatonin. Likewise watching an exciting TV show or some upsetting…
Get The Most From Your Nutritional Supplements
…to include the other half of the E spectrum, tocotrienols. Take a full spectrum tocotrienol supplement that includes alpha, beta, delta and gamma tocotrienols. ▪ Vitamin K comes in three forms K1, K2 and K3. Vitamin K supplements should have a balanced amount of K1 and K2. Vitamin K3 is a specialized synthetic form of Vitamin K for use in special circumstances and is only available by prescription. B-Complex and Vitamin C: ▪ B-Complex vitamins…