…or anxiety medication. Two seperate 2015 studies demonstrated that supplementing with curcumin greatly enhanced the efficacy of antidepressant treatment for Major Depressive Disorder. This could be a big plus for those who are troubled by side effects from their antidepressant medication. Most studies used 500mg of a standardized curcumin preparation twice per day, although doses of up to several grams per day are commonly used. For optimal absorption take standardized curcumin with a fat-containing meal….
Search Results for: https:/www.tempcontrolpack.com/knowledge/cold-chain-packaging-solutions/洪jM5
Politics, GMOs & Your Health
…it. There has been much talk about what government’s roll should be when it comes to your health. In this regard, I feel legislators should take their lead not from the Founding Fathers, but from Hippocrates and first seek to do no harm to their constituents. Unfortunately, greed influences too many of our elected officials allowing them to be swayed by lobbyists. So what can you and I do about GMOs? We can educate ourselves…
Why I do not sell nutritional supplements.
…wealthy. Just about everyday a new “miracle pill” comes on the market making outrageous claims. Take weight loss for example. How many different weight loss products do you see on the shelves of your local health food store? It boggles the mind. Do they work? Some do, for some people. One thing you can be sure of though, your wallet will be considerably lighter when you leave the store! The truth is many of…