…news program will not make you feel very relaxed. Hearing about rising gas prices or a tax increase right before bed will not lead to sound sleep. 19. Read something positive. Reading in bed before retiring can be quite relaxing provided it’s not a thriller or spy novel. Something uplifting and positive is the best read before bed. 20. Put the computer away! Put your computer away at least two hours before bedtime. Many people…
Search Results for: https:/www.tempcontrolpack.com/id/products/waterproof-insulated-cooler-bag/温dte
Oleander: Not A COVID Cure
…or buyer beware, I encourage this approach when doing your research. Recently I received a call from someone who wanted to be treated for COVID-19 with oleander. Upon further inquiry into their request I found they did not actually have COVID but this was more of a preventative measure. There are several problems with this approach. But first, what is oleander? Oleander or Nerium oleander is a small drought resistant shrub cultivated for it’s beautiful…
A Dozen Things That Can Raise Your PSA That Aren’t Cancer
…in the form of medications for an enlarged prostate, chemotherapy drugs, sports supplements, diet supplements or other over the counter medications. Prostatitis or Infection – Prostatitis (an inflammation of the prostate gland) will cause an elevated PSA. This could be non-bacterial prostatitis which is basically prostatitis with no identifiable cause. Or it could be due to a bacterial infection or less commonly a virus. If you have any type of infection it should be treated…
Novel Yeast Shields Against Viruses & Bacteria
…the 1800’s it was observed that livestock that were fed table scraps fermented in sour milk were healthier that those that were not. In 1943 C.W. Bloomhall started a company to research and create a specialized yeast culture that would act as an immune system modulator for livestock. Somewhere around 1998 it was observed that workers who were exposed to this novel culture on a daily basis were using less sick time than their office…