…outlawed long ago. If you use aspartame, whether you realize it or not, it is affecting your health. My advice, stop being a human guinea pig and avoid aspartame like the plague. Don’t wait until your health or the health of your children is irreversibly compromised. If only half of what is said about aspartame is true, is it really worth the risk? Please feel free to share your personal aspartame experiences in the comments…
Search Results for: https:/www.tempcontrolpack.com/id/knowledge/insulated-shopping-bags-for-frozen-food/越qDw
Get The Most From Your Nutritional Supplements
…and Vitamin C are all water soluble and only stay in the body for a short time. Best results from these supplements are obtained when dosages are evenly distributed throughout the day and mixed with food. ▪ Most B-Complex vitamins require digestion to be coenzymated into their bioactive forms, which is why they are taken with meals. There are B-Complex products that are already coenzymated and thus can be taken without regard to food. Coenzymated…
Flu Shot or Not?
…most drug and grocery stores as well as your local health food store. For dosing, follow the label directions. Avoid caffeine when using this product to avoid neutralizing it’s affect. While nothing is 100% guaranteed when it comes to health, the basic steps listed above will help give you a fighting chance against contracting the flu. Should you wish to explore more advanced or customized immune enhancement methods, feel free to contact me for…
Why I do not sell nutritional supplements.
…wealthy. Just about everyday a new “miracle pill” comes on the market making outrageous claims. Take weight loss for example. How many different weight loss products do you see on the shelves of your local health food store? It boggles the mind. Do they work? Some do, for some people. One thing you can be sure of though, your wallet will be considerably lighter when you leave the store! The truth is many of…
Why I Am Not A Fan Of Calorie Counting
Why I am Not A Fan Of Calorie Counting For Weight Loss By: John King I was watching The Today Show the other day and happened to catch one of their regular segments Eat This Not That with David Zinczenko. During the segment, David takes us through examples of foods we eat and calorie saving substitutions we can make. The premise is that smarter choices equals weight loss. This is true. We often eat…