What You Didn’t Know About Curcumin By: John King Curcumin is the most predominant polyphenol present in the spice Turmeric. It has been used to treat a variety of illnesses for over 4,000 years. Most who use curcumin do so for it’s powerful anti-inflammatory properties. But new research has shown that curcumin has far reaching benefits beyond just reducing inflammation. New studies have revealed that curcumin protects the brain from the damaging effects…
Search Results for: https:/www.tempcontrolpack.com/id/knowledge/do-you-know-how-to-handle-the-gel-packs-that-might-be-included-with-fresh-food-purchases/融zG4
Got Sleep?
…news program will not make you feel very relaxed. Hearing about rising gas prices or a tax increase right before bed will not lead to sound sleep. 19. Read something positive. Reading in bed before retiring can be quite relaxing provided it’s not a thriller or spy novel. Something uplifting and positive is the best read before bed. 20. Put the computer away! Put your computer away at least two hours before bedtime. Many people…
Testosterone Enhancement
Why You May Be Missing The Boat With Your Testosterone Enhancement Program By: John King Declining levels of testosterone in the aging male is known to cause such maladies as: fatigue, depression, low libido, sexual dysfunction, decreased muscle mass, heart disease, mental decline, loss of endurance and weight gain. This realization has created quite a market for natural products that claim to increase testosterone levels. While most of these products are fairly safe and may…
Why I do not sell nutritional supplements.
…wealthy. Just about everyday a new “miracle pill” comes on the market making outrageous claims. Take weight loss for example. How many different weight loss products do you see on the shelves of your local health food store? It boggles the mind. Do they work? Some do, for some people. One thing you can be sure of though, your wallet will be considerably lighter when you leave the store! The truth is many of…
Oleander: Not A COVID Cure
…or buyer beware, I encourage this approach when doing your research. Recently I received a call from someone who wanted to be treated for COVID-19 with oleander. Upon further inquiry into their request I found they did not actually have COVID but this was more of a preventative measure. There are several problems with this approach. But first, what is oleander? Oleander or Nerium oleander is a small drought resistant shrub cultivated for it’s beautiful…