…flight” response perpetuating a cascade of destructive processes within the body. By lowering cortisol, curcumin helps to restore endogenous antioxidant production protecting the brain from dangerous stress-induced free radicals. Over time, the oxidative damage caused by free radicals causes a chronic low level inflammation in the brain leading to cellular dysfunction and premature cell death. In addition, curcumin is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant in and of itself. A 2007 study showed that curcumin reverses…
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Superfoods Series: Onions
…fed a diet high in raw onions, gained significant protection against heart attack and stroke. Quercetin also plays a very important role in cancer prevention because of it’s ability to detoxify the body from hormones, heavy metals and environmental toxins. A 1998 French case-control study revealed that French women who consumed the most onions had a lower incidence of breast cancer. A more profound cancer-inhibiting effect was observed when quercetin was combined with curcumin, the…
Novel Yeast Shields Against Viruses & Bacteria
…the 1800’s it was observed that livestock that were fed table scraps fermented in sour milk were healthier that those that were not. In 1943 C.W. Bloomhall started a company to research and create a specialized yeast culture that would act as an immune system modulator for livestock. Somewhere around 1998 it was observed that workers who were exposed to this novel culture on a daily basis were using less sick time than their office…
Got Sleep?
…a good idea to try and keep electronics such as alarm clocks, cordless phones and other devices as far away from your bed as possible as they all generate EMFs. Digital radio frequency signals such as those generated by wireless routers have been found to be particularly disruptive. 13. Have a snack before bed. Have a small low carbohydrate (no sugar!) snack about an hour before bed. Many people find it difficult to fall sleep…
Oleander: Not A COVID Cure
…become dangerous and even deadly in the hands of those who use them. Nerium oleander should never be ingested as a whole herb or herbal extract as it is highly toxic. Symptoms of oleander poisoning include: nausea, vomiting, excess salivation, bloody stool, irregular heartbeat, tremors, seizures, coma and death. If someone you know ingests oleander, get them to the hospital right away! Many of today’s most therapeutic medicines were derived from plants. Some of these…