…the site MAY download ONE copy of any and all materials on the site for personal, non-commercial use provided that they do not modify or alter the materials in any way, or delete or change any copyright or trademark notice. Healthy Solutions 4 Living, Inc. reserves complete title and full intellectual property rights for materials downloaded from the site (with the exception of that acquired from third-parties as noted where applicable). Healthy Solutions Privacy Policy…
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Thank You
Thank you for your donation! Your support helps to keep quality content available for all here on HealthySolutions4Living.com and on my nutritional database www.HealthySolutions4Living.info. Best in Health, John …
Testosterone Enhancement
…2-3% which remains free. As we age, our bodies produce more SHBG, lowering free testosterone levels. Thus, a man with high SHBG will have low free T and all the symptoms of low testosterone, despite a normal total T level. In this case, supplementation to raise testosterone levels in an attempt to alleviate symptoms of low T, would prove to be ineffective. Normally, excess SHBG is eliminated from the body via the liver. Keeping one’s…
COVID-19 & Your Mental Health
…it’s not necessary to leave the TV news on all the time. ● Limit Facebook. Facebook is great for connecting with friends and family but it is inundated with news about the Coronavirus. Cut back on the time you spend on social media. If you must use Facebook consider temporarily unsubscribing from news feeds and rely on your one hour of quality news per day. ● Refrain from reposting. Just because everyone is re-posting everything…
Superfoods Series: Blueberries
Superfoods Series: Blueberries By: John King More than just a condiment for muffins or an ingredient for pies, blueberries are truly a nutritional powerhouse. Blueberries seem to do everything from fighting cancer, diabetes and heart disease to protecting the body from age related declines in mental acuity and motor function. The deep rich color of blueberries is indicative of their high concentration of phytonutrients, particularly phenolic compounds possessing tremendous antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties….