…most recent bite was this past December! Being too rushed to follow my own advice to take precautions, I was outside working without “protection”. Fortunately, I noticed the tick relatively quickly and removed it without incident. Now if Lyme Disease, Ehrlichia, Babesia, Bartonella and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever are not enough, there is a new player on the field, the Powassan Virus. Recently I re-posted an article from NYUPSTATE.COM describing the CDC’s growing concern over the…
Search Results for: https:/www.tempcontrolpack.com/fr/products/ice-brick-breastmilk-cooler-bag/牛kqG
Thirsty? How About A Nice Cold Glass Of Formaldehyde?
…outlawed long ago. If you use aspartame, whether you realize it or not, it is affecting your health. My advice, stop being a human guinea pig and avoid aspartame like the plague. Don’t wait until your health or the health of your children is irreversibly compromised. If only half of what is said about aspartame is true, is it really worth the risk? Please feel free to share your personal aspartame experiences in the comments…
Get The Most From Your Nutritional Supplements
…and Vitamin C are all water soluble and only stay in the body for a short time. Best results from these supplements are obtained when dosages are evenly distributed throughout the day and mixed with food. ▪ Most B-Complex vitamins require digestion to be coenzymated into their bioactive forms, which is why they are taken with meals. There are B-Complex products that are already coenzymated and thus can be taken without regard to food. Coenzymated…
Guacamole: More Than A Snack – Your Cancer Fighting Superfood!
…beneficial to the body. I think it gets a bad rap because of it’s fat content but nothing could be further from the truth. Guacamole is low in carbohydrates and high in monounsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants and beneficial plant sterols. The only thing that could be bad about eating guacamole is the half bag of salty chips you eat with it! There are many ways to enjoy it without all that sodium. Since I gave…
Flu Shot or Not?
…possible. Due to complications from Lyme disease my immune system is delicate and doesn’t need any additional challenges. Additionally, I cannot justify injecting myself with toxic heavy metals after spending considerable time, effort and money detoxifying myself from a large heavy metal burden I acquired while in the military. My clients often ask what measures they can employ to reduce their chances of getting the flu should they not wish to receive the vaccine. The…