…2-3% which remains free. As we age, our bodies produce more SHBG, lowering free testosterone levels. Thus, a man with high SHBG will have low free T and all the symptoms of low testosterone, despite a normal total T level. In this case, supplementation to raise testosterone levels in an attempt to alleviate symptoms of low T, would prove to be ineffective. Normally, excess SHBG is eliminated from the body via the liver. Keeping one’s…
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Why I do not sell nutritional supplements.
…fifteen or so bottles in it. My jaw nearly hit the floor as the bill was almost $1,000! Dr. Atkins had me convinced that I needed all these things and so I felt like I would be doing myself a disservice if I didn’t get them. So I did, leaving the office $1000 poorer. Later research showed that I could have gotten equivalent supplements for less than half the price. Needless to say I felt…
About Me
…my consulting services are provided primarily by telephone. I provide a unique and affordable service that is not bound by geography, enabling me to reach and help people anywhere in the world. My clients enjoy the freedom to make appointments at times that fit their schedule, in the privacy of their own home or office, without the hassle or expense of travel. If you are not satisfied with the traditional allopathic medical approach to your…
Gluten Gluttony
…my digestive tract easier and more efficiently. I observed the same thing about gluten free bread. A sandwich on regular bread or a slice of regular pizza would sit with me all afternoon. After switching to gluten free versions, by the next meal I was hungry again. After several weeks of being strictly gluten free I became accustomed to the changes that occurred within me. I liked the weight loss, improved digestion and heightened…
Get The Most From Your Nutritional Supplements
…and Vitamin C are all water soluble and only stay in the body for a short time. Best results from these supplements are obtained when dosages are evenly distributed throughout the day and mixed with food. ▪ Most B-Complex vitamins require digestion to be coenzymated into their bioactive forms, which is why they are taken with meals. There are B-Complex products that are already coenzymated and thus can be taken without regard to food. Coenzymated…