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…have the correct arm x-rayed!” I assured him that what he was looking at was indeed an x-ray of my left arm. He was amazed as there was no trace of my arm having been broken. All the holes in my bones where the hardware had been were completely gone, a process that would take a least six months to a year, or so I was told. Since then I have been absolutely fascinated with…
How To Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer
How To Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer By: John King Due to the COVID-19 pandemic medical supplies are in short supply. Trying to find items like masks, gloves and hand sanitizer is next to impossible. When you can find these items they are all over priced, partially due to supply and demand, but primarily due to greedy sellers trying to capitalize on a bad situation. So when it comes to hand sanitizer what are…
Why Should I Manage My Rising PSA?
…potent form of estrogen. As men age aromatase activity tends to increase raising estradiol levels to potentially unhealthy levels. This is not desirable because as estradiol rises, protective free testosterone declines. Additionally, estradiol sensitizes prostate tissue to the detrimental effects of DHT. Since aromatase is produced mostly in adipose tissue losing weight can go a long way in reducing estrogen levels. Curcumin is the predominant anti-cancer phenol found in turmeric. Cancer cells do not exhibit…
Superfoods Series: Blueberries
Superfoods Series: Blueberries By: John King More than just a condiment for muffins or an ingredient for pies, blueberries are truly a nutritional powerhouse. Blueberries seem to do everything from fighting cancer, diabetes and heart disease to protecting the body from age related declines in mental acuity and motor function. The deep rich color of blueberries is indicative of their high concentration of phytonutrients, particularly phenolic compounds possessing tremendous antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.…