…work against many types of cancers. Because of it’s allicin content, garlic may stimulate apoptosis in cancer cells. Garlic stimulates immune cells and makes them more active and able to defend the body against pathogens. But it doesn’t stop there. Garlic has been shown to have numerous antibiotic and antiviral properties, further bolstering your immune system. Onion Whether you like red, white or sweet, onions have benefits similar to garlic. Meta-analyses show that those…
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Why Should I Manage My Rising PSA?
…potent form of estrogen. As men age aromatase activity tends to increase raising estradiol levels to potentially unhealthy levels. This is not desirable because as estradiol rises, protective free testosterone declines. Additionally, estradiol sensitizes prostate tissue to the detrimental effects of DHT. Since aromatase is produced mostly in adipose tissue losing weight can go a long way in reducing estrogen levels. Curcumin is the predominant anti-cancer phenol found in turmeric. Cancer cells do not exhibit…
…any way without prior written consent of Healthy Solutions 4 Living, Inc. Users of the site MAY download ONE copy of any and all materials on the site for personal, non-commercial use provided that they do not modify or alter the materials in any way, or delete or change any copyright or trademark notice. Healthy Solutions 4 Living, Inc. reserves complete title and full intellectual property rights for materials downloaded from the site (with the…
Why I do not sell nutritional supplements.
…wealthy. Just about everyday a new “miracle pill” comes on the market making outrageous claims. Take weight loss for example. How many different weight loss products do you see on the shelves of your local health food store? It boggles the mind. Do they work? Some do, for some people. One thing you can be sure of though, your wallet will be considerably lighter when you leave the store! The truth is many of…
A Dozen Things That Can Raise Your PSA That Aren’t Cancer
…in the form of medications for an enlarged prostate, chemotherapy drugs, sports supplements, diet supplements or other over the counter medications. Prostatitis or Infection – Prostatitis (an inflammation of the prostate gland) will cause an elevated PSA. This could be non-bacterial prostatitis which is basically prostatitis with no identifiable cause. Or it could be due to a bacterial infection or less commonly a virus. If you have any type of infection it should be treated…