…and engages the imagination. Just don’t pick something like Outbreak or Contagion! ● Binge your favorite shows. Take advantage of the many streaming services (many are now free) to binge watch your favorite movies or TV shows. By streaming your entertainment you won’t be tempted to flip over to the news or have your news fast interrupted by repetitive updates. ● Learn something new. Try learning a new skill or language. There are many learning…
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Gluten Gluttony
…on the right track. It’s common for people to have more than one food sensitivity. If your improvements are not as dramatic as you had hoped, you may be dealing with multiple sensitivities. So don’t let your investigation end with gluten. Food intolerances are among the leading causes of unexplained illness. At the end of this post I have listed some additional resources regarding Crohn’s disease, gluten and gluten sensitivities should you wish to…
Tick Alert! Learn how to protect yourself.
…spread of this deadly virus. Unlike other tick-borne diseases which take about 24 hours to infect the host, the Powassan Virus can be transmitted to the host organism in as little as 15 minutes. As a long-time sufferer of Lyme Disease, I take tick avoidance seriously. I refuse to limit my time in nature as that is where I am most comfortable. Over the years I have experimented with many products and techniques to prevent…
Oleander: Not A COVID Cure
…plants are highly toxic and therapeutic margins for these medicines are quite narrow, requiring great care in their use. Examples of such medications are atropine and scopolamine. Oleander is no exception. Currently, there is a cancer drug (Anvirzel™) that is derived from oleander. Admittedly, it has some undesirable side effects and must be used under the supervision of an oncologist. The only way to attempt to use oleander as a medication is in it’s homeopathic…
What You Didn’t Know About Curcumin
…or anxiety medication. Two seperate 2015 studies demonstrated that supplementing with curcumin greatly enhanced the efficacy of antidepressant treatment for Major Depressive Disorder. This could be a big plus for those who are troubled by side effects from their antidepressant medication. Most studies used 500mg of a standardized curcumin preparation twice per day, although doses of up to several grams per day are commonly used. For optimal absorption take standardized curcumin with a fat-containing meal….