…become dangerous and even deadly in the hands of those who use them. Nerium oleander should never be ingested as a whole herb or herbal extract as it is highly toxic. Symptoms of oleander poisoning include: nausea, vomiting, excess salivation, bloody stool, irregular heartbeat, tremors, seizures, coma and death. If someone you know ingests oleander, get them to the hospital right away! Many of today’s most therapeutic medicines were derived from plants. Some of these…
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What You Didn’t Know About Curcumin
…or anxiety medication. Two seperate 2015 studies demonstrated that supplementing with curcumin greatly enhanced the efficacy of antidepressant treatment for Major Depressive Disorder. This could be a big plus for those who are troubled by side effects from their antidepressant medication. Most studies used 500mg of a standardized curcumin preparation twice per day, although doses of up to several grams per day are commonly used. For optimal absorption take standardized curcumin with a fat-containing meal….
Superfoods Series: Onions
…active constituent in turmeric. A 2006 study found the quercetin/curcumin combination drastically reduced the number of polyps associated with Familial Adenomatous Polyposis, a condition that often leads to colon cancer. Other cancers that can be positively affected by onion consumption are: brain, breast, stomach, esophageal, prostate, ovarian, kidney, lung and oral. Onions are also beneficial for the immune system due to their antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties. These properties are due largely to their Diphenylamine…
Guacamole: More Than A Snack – Your Cancer Fighting Superfood!
…work against many types of cancers. Because of it’s allicin content, garlic may stimulate apoptosis in cancer cells. Garlic stimulates immune cells and makes them more active and able to defend the body against pathogens. But it doesn’t stop there. Garlic has been shown to have numerous antibiotic and antiviral properties, further bolstering your immune system. Onion Whether you like red, white or sweet, onions have benefits similar to garlic. Meta-analyses show that those…
Testosterone Enhancement
…within fatty tissue that converts testosterone into estradiol. If you’re carrying some extra weight around the middle, chances are your estradiol level is less than optimal. High levels of estrogen trick the body into thinking that T levels are higher than they actually are. This causes a natural down regulation of testosterone which further contributes to low T symptoms. Additionally, higher estrogen causes an increased production of SHBG. A laboratory test will tell you that…