…it. There has been much talk about what government’s roll should be when it comes to your health. In this regard, I feel legislators should take their lead not from the Founding Fathers, but from Hippocrates and first seek to do no harm to their constituents. Unfortunately, greed influences too many of our elected officials allowing them to be swayed by lobbyists. So what can you and I do about GMOs? We can educate ourselves…
Search Results for: https:/www.tempcontrolpack.com/es/cold-chain-legend-how-does-ice-pack-for-cooler-change-our-lives/谷wWn
…& Bacteria Oleander: Not A COVID Cure Politics, GMOs & Your Health Prostate Cancer Testing: Navigating The Maze Superfoods Series: Blueberries Superfoods Series: Onions Testosterone Enhancement Thirsty? How About A Nice Cold Glass Of Formaldehyde? Tick Alert! Learn how to protect yourself. Welcome! What You Didn’t Know About Curcumin Why I Am Not A Fan Of Calorie Counting Why I do not sell nutritional supplements. Why Should I Manage My Rising PSA? Your Cancer Lifestyle…
How To Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer
How To Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer By: John King Due to the COVID-19 pandemic medical supplies are in short supply. Trying to find items like masks, gloves and hand sanitizer is next to impossible. When you can find these items they are all over priced, partially due to supply and demand, but primarily due to greedy sellers trying to capitalize on a bad situation. So when it comes to hand sanitizer what are…
A Dozen Things That Can Raise Your PSA That Aren’t Cancer
…until your symptoms are resolved and PSA returns to normal. BPH – Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is generally classified as a non-cancerous condition that causes the prostate gland to become enlarged. Since the prostate has a greater volume more PSA is produced. BPH can be a warning sign of things to come. Since this condition is caused by inflammation and/or hormone imbalances, it sets the stage for abnormal cell growth. Chronic conditions such as this respond…
About Me
…the body does not have a certain basic level of nutrition. There are countless chemical and enzyme reactions within the body that suffer in the absence of their required catalysts and substrates. When these processes are inhibited the resulting environment for health is less than optimal and disease ensues. If you are currently under the care of a physician, I can work with your doctor in a complementary fashion. I will review your medical records…