…positive effect on the prevention and treatment of cancer. Investigators have found that blueberries significantly inhibit the proliferation of breast, intestinal, gastric and prostate cancers. Oddly, the researchers found no correlation between blueberry’s antioxidant properties and cancer prevention indicating the presence of other cancer fighting compounds. One such compound, pterostilbene, is a powerful anti-inflammatory compound, high concentration of which is found in blueberries. Pterostilbene has been shown to induce apoptosis (pre-programmed cell death) in cancer…
Search Results for: https:/www.tempcontrolpack.com/ar/q3-reports-from-21-pre-prepared-meal-companies-some-raked-in-3-1-billion-while-others-quietly-reduced-inventory/乐PWk
Guacamole: More Than A Snack – Your Cancer Fighting Superfood!
…who consume higher amounts of onions have a reduced risk for an array of cancers. Like garlic, onions also promote cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure, improving one’s cholesterol profile and helping to prevent blood clots. Consumption of onions has also been shown to have beneficial effects on asthma, gallstones, psoriasis, and serum triglycerides. Tomato I like a little tomato in my guacamole for color. Loaded with lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, tomato provides additional…
Gluten Gluttony
…tests and were told they had no problem with gluten. They were usually prescribed some kind of medication to alleviate their symptoms and sent on their merry way. This sounded all too familiar and so I took special note as to their progress. What I noticed was that not only did their stomach problems improve but they made improvements in other areas of their health. Unexplained fatigue seemed to disappear. Things like anxiety and depression…
Why Should I Manage My Rising PSA?
…globulin (SHBG). By inactivating SHBG free testosterone is increased thereby displacing DHT preventing its binding to testosterone receptors in the prostate. Having a higher blood level of free testosterone is actually cancer-preventative since it does not promote abnormal prostate cell growth as does its metabolite DHT. Nettle root also possesses a third mechanism by which it helps to lower PSA, aromatase inhibition. Aromatase is the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to estradiol (E2), the most…
What You Didn’t Know About Curcumin
…or anxiety medication. Two seperate 2015 studies demonstrated that supplementing with curcumin greatly enhanced the efficacy of antidepressant treatment for Major Depressive Disorder. This could be a big plus for those who are troubled by side effects from their antidepressant medication. Most studies used 500mg of a standardized curcumin preparation twice per day, although doses of up to several grams per day are commonly used. For optimal absorption take standardized curcumin with a fat-containing meal….