…blooms. It is highly toxic to humans and animals both to the touch and by ingestion. It is so toxic that the ingestion of one leaf can cause death to a human adult and contact with the skin can cause a severe rash. Oleander poisoning is rare as the leaves are so bitter they are unpalatable to humans and animals. But when plants like oleander are touted by influencers as a “cure”, without qualification, they…
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A Dozen Things That Can Raise Your PSA That Aren’t Cancer
…high intensity exercise that jars the pelvic area such as running, high impact sports training or horseback riding could potentially elevate your PSA temporarily. I would defer to my 72 hour rule and avoid these types of activity before your test. Groin Injury – Any type of groin injury such as a pulled muscle or impact to the groin area can elevate PSA levels. This could also include such things as a car accident, broken…
Novel Yeast Shields Against Viruses & Bacteria
…the 1800’s it was observed that livestock that were fed table scraps fermented in sour milk were healthier that those that were not. In 1943 C.W. Bloomhall started a company to research and create a specialized yeast culture that would act as an immune system modulator for livestock. Somewhere around 1998 it was observed that workers who were exposed to this novel culture on a daily basis were using less sick time than their office…
…of the health concerns listed on this page can be helped through natural means. Take the first step toward a healthier you. Pick up the phone and give me a call or use the convenient contact form to reach out and allow me to help you solve your particular health puzzle. Become a registered user! Registered users get a FREE 20 minute wellness consultation, have the ability to leave comments, access restricted content, get email updates…