…amino acids are not processed in the same way as when obtained naturally through complete proteins. Instead, they overstimulate brain cells, literally “exciting them to death”. This is why aspartame is classified as an excitotoxin. Leave it to modern ingenuity and corporate greed to take two natural substances, combine it with a known poison and call it safe. Further contributing to it’s toxicity is the methanol component of aspartame. When ingested, methanol is converted by…
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…of the health concerns listed on this page can be helped through natural means. Take the first step toward a healthier you. Pick up the phone and give me a call or use the convenient contact form to reach out and allow me to help you solve your particular health puzzle. Become a registered user! Registered users get a FREE 20 minute wellness consultation, have the ability to leave comments, access restricted content, get email updates…
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Thank you for your donation! Your support helps to keep quality content available for all here on HealthySolutions4Living.com and on my nutritional database www.HealthySolutions4Living.info. Best in Health, John …
Get The Most From Your Nutritional Supplements
…to include the other half of the E spectrum, tocotrienols. Take a full spectrum tocotrienol supplement that includes alpha, beta, delta and gamma tocotrienols. ▪ Vitamin K comes in three forms K1, K2 and K3. Vitamin K supplements should have a balanced amount of K1 and K2. Vitamin K3 is a specialized synthetic form of Vitamin K for use in special circumstances and is only available by prescription. B-Complex and Vitamin C: ▪ B-Complex vitamins…
Gluten Gluttony
…were reduced, if not completely eliminated. They experienced less inflammation in their bodies and thus had less aches and pains. Chronic headaches disappeared. People with skin problems/rashes noticed a clearing of their symptoms. Clients with diagnosed autoimmune conditions noticed an overall improvement in their well being. And of course the most obvious was their stomach pain, flatulence, bloating, IBS and constipation all went away. So what is gluten anyway? Gluten (which should be spelled glueten)…