…complex machine, one that we will never come to fully understand in our lifetime. Treating the body with drugs that we do not fully understand only introduces another layer of complexity which leads us farther from the truth. The lifestyle changes I outlined above is a good place for most people to start. If your health situation is more complicated further investigation and supplementation will be required. I hope I have provided you with information…
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Prostate Cancer Testing: Navigating The Maze
…patients. The results have recently been replicated in a prospective blinded clinical study conducted at 26 urology centers across the United States on 1,012 patients. Based on the results of this clinical study, as many as 30-58% of biopsies are avoidable using the 4Kscore Test.” For more information on this test, how it works and where to get it; please go to www.4kscore.com. Urine PCA3 PCA3 is a diagnostic test performed on urine that…
Your Cancer Lifestyle
…tap water you will need a reverse osmosis system. There are many types of reverse osmosis systems (RO), some will even fit right on your kitchen counter. Do not use fluoride containing supplements, dental treatments or toothpaste. You can get fluoride free toothpaste at any health food store. Bromide & Bromine: Bromine and bromine compounds are all hazardous to your health. They are added to flour to enhance it’s strength and elasticity. Commercially baked goods…
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