…2-3% which remains free. As we age, our bodies produce more SHBG, lowering free testosterone levels. Thus, a man with high SHBG will have low free T and all the symptoms of low testosterone, despite a normal total T level. In this case, supplementation to raise testosterone levels in an attempt to alleviate symptoms of low T, would prove to be ineffective. Normally, excess SHBG is eliminated from the body via the liver. Keeping one’s…
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What You Didn’t Know About Curcumin
…impaired hippocampal neurogenesis enabling the brain to regenerate damaged neurons. The same study showed that curcumin increases serotonin receptor 1A mRNA and brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression, stimulating the production of new brain cells. Curcumin has been shown to have a positive effect on anxiety and depression by boosting serotonin and dopamine levels as well as preventing their breakdown. In fact, these effects are vigorous enough to enable some to lower their doses of antidepressant and…
Improve Mood, Energy & Cognition with Arctic Root
…this syndrome. Arctic Root or Rhodiola rosea is a unique herbal remedy that has wide reaching health benefits. Even if you do not suffer from burnout syndrome you can still experience a greater sense of wellbeing and mental clarity by supplementing with Rhodiola. Arctic Root is a perennial “shrubby” plant that thrives in the high altitude sandy soils of the arctic predominantly in Europe and Asia. Perhaps it’s ability to survive in such a harsh…
…planet, not manufactured in a test tube. I had my first real experience with healing through nutritional supplementation at 20, when I was in the military and shattered my left elbow in an accident. One month after having all the hardware that was holding my arm together removed, I went in for a follow up x-ray to check on my healing progress. When the doctor looked at the x-ray he said, “Very funny, now go…
Politics, GMOs & Your Health
…it. There has been much talk about what government’s roll should be when it comes to your health. In this regard, I feel legislators should take their lead not from the Founding Fathers, but from Hippocrates and first seek to do no harm to their constituents. Unfortunately, greed influences too many of our elected officials allowing them to be swayed by lobbyists. So what can you and I do about GMOs? We can educate ourselves…