…not contain any DEET, which is a dangerous neurotoxin and should never be applied to the skin. Of course, the chemical companies that manufacture this poison would have you believe otherwise. For children I recommend this product in towelette form as it is easy to apply and there is no danger of getting any product in the eyes. The second product is Sawyer SP657. This is a clothing and gear tick repellent. IT IS…
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Superfoods Series: Blueberries
…positive effect on the prevention and treatment of cancer. Investigators have found that blueberries significantly inhibit the proliferation of breast, intestinal, gastric and prostate cancers. Oddly, the researchers found no correlation between blueberry’s antioxidant properties and cancer prevention indicating the presence of other cancer fighting compounds. One such compound, pterostilbene, is a powerful anti-inflammatory compound, high concentration of which is found in blueberries. Pterostilbene has been shown to induce apoptosis (pre-programmed cell death) in cancer…
Why Should I Manage My Rising PSA?
Why Should I Manage My Rising PSA? ◊ ◊ ◊ By: John King Whether you have “PSA-creep”, BPH or prostate cancer this article will explain why it is important to manage that rising PSA level as well as providing strategies to do so. As men and women age our hormones naturally shift away from their healthy youthful balance to one which is more conducive to the promotion of disease. Often the first symptoms…
Superfoods Series: Onions
…content in onions are highest when they are fresh, ripe and raw. Onions lose their nutrients during storage, so try to eat them soon after purchase. Don’t use onions that are soft, have brown spots or have begun to sprout. Sweet onions can be refrigerated but all other should be stored in “open air”. Onions should not be rinsed in water before using as this washes away nutrients. To prevent onions from turning bitter and…
COVID-19 & Your Mental Health
…and engages the imagination. Just don’t pick something like Outbreak or Contagion! ● Binge your favorite shows. Take advantage of the many streaming services (many are now free) to binge watch your favorite movies or TV shows. By streaming your entertainment you won’t be tempted to flip over to the news or have your news fast interrupted by repetitive updates. ● Learn something new. Try learning a new skill or language. There are many learning…