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A Dozen Things That Can Raise Your PSA That Aren’t Cancer
…in the form of medications for an enlarged prostate, chemotherapy drugs, sports supplements, diet supplements or other over the counter medications. Prostatitis or Infection – Prostatitis (an inflammation of the prostate gland) will cause an elevated PSA. This could be non-bacterial prostatitis which is basically prostatitis with no identifiable cause. Or it could be due to a bacterial infection or less commonly a virus. If you have any type of infection it should be treated…
Improve Mood, Energy & Cognition with Arctic Root
…without a later “crash” or reduction in physical performance. So how does Arctic Root relieve stress and improve physical and cognitive performance? The body’s stress response has two major components; the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous system controls the “fight or flight” response. The counterbalancing parasympathetic nervous system provides inhibitory feedback to calm and heal the body. When these two systems become unbalanced due to chronic stress we begin to see certain…
Thank You
Thank you for your donation! Your support helps to keep quality content available for all here on and on my nutritional database Best in Health, John …
About Me
…the body does not have a certain basic level of nutrition. There are countless chemical and enzyme reactions within the body that suffer in the absence of their required catalysts and substrates. When these processes are inhibited the resulting environment for health is less than optimal and disease ensues. If you are currently under the care of a physician, I can work with your doctor in a complementary fashion. I will review your medical records…