…complex machine, one that we will never come to fully understand in our lifetime. Treating the body with drugs that we do not fully understand only introduces another layer of complexity which leads us farther from the truth. The lifestyle changes I outlined above is a good place for most people to start. If your health situation is more complicated further investigation and supplementation will be required. I hope I have provided you with information…
Search Results for: https:/www.tempcontrolpack.com/knowledge/shanghai-auntie-plans-to-apply-for-a-listing-on-the-hong-kong-stock-exchange-by-the-end-of-the-year-with-over-5000-stores-already-in-operation/庾J6L
Prostate Cancer Testing: Navigating The Maze
…Risk Free PSA % Age 50-64 Years Age 65-70 Years <= 10% 56% 55% >10 – 15% 24% 35% >15% – 20% 17% 23% >20 – 25% 10% 20% Over 25% 5% 9% 4K Score The 4K Score is a newer test that moves slightly beyond just PSA. Combining four specific prostate assays (Total PSA, Free PSA, Intact PSA*, hK2*) along with clinical data (age, DRE and prior biopsy status), to predict the chances…
Your Cancer Lifestyle
…tap water you will need a reverse osmosis system. There are many types of reverse osmosis systems (RO), some will even fit right on your kitchen counter. Do not use fluoride containing supplements, dental treatments or toothpaste. You can get fluoride free toothpaste at any health food store. Bromide & Bromine: Bromine and bromine compounds are all hazardous to your health. They are added to flour to enhance it’s strength and elasticity. Commercially baked goods…
Tick Alert! Learn how to protect yourself.
…not contain any DEET, which is a dangerous neurotoxin and should never be applied to the skin. Of course, the chemical companies that manufacture this poison would have you believe otherwise. For children I recommend this product in towelette form as it is easy to apply and there is no danger of getting any product in the eyes. The second product is Sawyer SP657. This is a clothing and gear tick repellent. IT IS…
Novel Yeast Shields Against Viruses & Bacteria
…the 1800’s it was observed that livestock that were fed table scraps fermented in sour milk were healthier that those that were not. In 1943 C.W. Bloomhall started a company to research and create a specialized yeast culture that would act as an immune system modulator for livestock. Somewhere around 1998 it was observed that workers who were exposed to this novel culture on a daily basis were using less sick time than their office…