…that are labeled as stevia but contain other ingredients. White Flour Products: White flour brakes down into sugar very rapidly and should be avoided. White bread, white pasta products and white rice all fall into this category. Instead, lean toward products made with whole grain and brown rice. Please note that people with gluten sensitivities will need to avoid whole grains containing gluten such as: wheat, oats, rye, barley and possibly others. While you may…
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Antidepressants: Panacea or Just Bad Medicine?
…judgement. It is no secret that pharmaceutical companies incentivize physicians to prescribe their products. While it is illegal for a pharmaceutical company to pay physicians cash, a paid vacation in exchange for a 20 minute talk on some aspect of psychiatry is not uncommon. How do you think this influences what drug you will receive? Doctors are only human. Your physician is only human and is prone to making judgements. We all do it. It…
Prostate Cancer Testing: Navigating The Maze
…the urologists office as a digital rectal massage is required just before collecting the sample. For more information about how PCA3 helps in the diagnosis of prostate cancer click here. Prostatic Acid Phosphatase (PAP) Prostatic Acid Phosphatase is an enzyme that is produced by prostate epithelial cells and is found in abundance in seminal fluid. Higher levels of this enzyme are associated with prostate cancer. Doctors use PAP along with PSA to help determine…
Tick Alert! Learn how to protect yourself.
…tick exposure. I have discovered two products that I have found to be outstanding in preventing tick bites. I have used these products for about seven years now and have not had a single bite while using them! The first product is called Buzz Away Extreme. It is an all-natural insect repellent made with essential oils of geranium, citronella, cedarwood, peppermint and lemongrass. I like this product because it works, smells great and does…
Thirsty? How About A Nice Cold Glass Of Formaldehyde?
…outlawed long ago. If you use aspartame, whether you realize it or not, it is affecting your health. My advice, stop being a human guinea pig and avoid aspartame like the plague. Don’t wait until your health or the health of your children is irreversibly compromised. If only half of what is said about aspartame is true, is it really worth the risk? Please feel free to share your personal aspartame experiences in the comments…