…Examples of foods containing hydrogenated fats are: Crisco, margarine, mayonnaise, processed peanut butter, frozen dough and pizza products, microwave popcorn, coffee creamers and fried foods. Deep fried foods should also be avoided as many contain trans fats. Additionally, oils heated to high temperatures start to break down and form dangerous free radicals. Saturated fats such as butter, coconut and palm oil are allowed in moderation. (Please note that the use of dairy products by people…
Search Results for: https:/www.tempcontrolpack.com/fr/products/ice-brick-breastmilk-cooler-bag/牛kqG
Antidepressants: Panacea or Just Bad Medicine?
…complex machine, one that we will never come to fully understand in our lifetime. Treating the body with drugs that we do not fully understand only introduces another layer of complexity which leads us farther from the truth. The lifestyle changes I outlined above is a good place for most people to start. If your health situation is more complicated further investigation and supplementation will be required. I hope I have provided you with information…
Prostate Cancer Testing: Navigating The Maze
…is compromised enough and cancer is present, malignant cells could escape the capsule and enter the bloodstream. This is how metastatic prostate cancer occurs. Free PSA Most of the Prostate Specific Antigen circulating in the bloodstream is bound to proteins but a small percentage is not. This is called Free PSA. When prostate cancer is present the ratio of Free PSA to Total PSA is decreased. Free PSA is calculated as a percentage of…
Why I do not sell nutritional supplements.
…fifteen or so bottles in it. My jaw nearly hit the floor as the bill was almost $1,000! Dr. Atkins had me convinced that I needed all these things and so I felt like I would be doing myself a disservice if I didn’t get them. So I did, leaving the office $1000 poorer. Later research showed that I could have gotten equivalent supplements for less than half the price. Needless to say I felt…
Gluten Gluttony
…my digestive tract easier and more efficiently. I observed the same thing about gluten free bread. A sandwich on regular bread or a slice of regular pizza would sit with me all afternoon. After switching to gluten free versions, by the next meal I was hungry again. After several weeks of being strictly gluten free I became accustomed to the changes that occurred within me. I liked the weight loss, improved digestion and heightened…