…Hope? The complexities in prescribing these medications are not new. In fact, the situation only becomes worse as more and more new antidepressant drugs are added to the market. The more frustrated patients become with treatment the less likely they are to be treatment compliant. Not good for the patient as they get no relief and continue to suffer. Also not good for the pharmaceutical companies as you are not buying their drugs. Enter GeneSight™….
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Your Cancer Lifestyle
…treatment only to have their cancer return. Please don’t make that mistake. Dietary Recommendations Things to avoid: Sugar: Cancer has often been compared to fungi, which makes perfect sense since the environments that promote the survival of both are similar. Thus, it is logical that sugar would be a primary food source for cancer cells. As much as possible avoid all foods with added sugar. This includes high fructose corn syrup. Acceptable…
Prostate Cancer Testing: Navigating The Maze
…calcium in other parts of the body as bone density not suggesting bone loss when indeed there is osteoporosis present. QCT can also distinguish between cortical and trabecular bone, the softer tissue that comprises the center of the bone. These two types of bone are replaced at different rates and thus have different potentials for cancer growth. Choline C-11 PET Scan If you have been previously treated for prostate cancer and your doctor is…
Get The Most From Your Nutritional Supplements
…and Vitamin C are all water soluble and only stay in the body for a short time. Best results from these supplements are obtained when dosages are evenly distributed throughout the day and mixed with food. ▪ Most B-Complex vitamins require digestion to be coenzymated into their bioactive forms, which is why they are taken with meals. There are B-Complex products that are already coenzymated and thus can be taken without regard to food. Coenzymated…
Flu Shot or Not?
…adults need somewhere between 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep. For children (under 18 years of age) the recommendation is somewhat higher at 8 to 10 hours. Eliminate Sugar We live in a sugar laden society. Everything these days has to be sugar coated or has sugar in it. If you read labels you will be amazed at just how many things are spiked with sugar. Sugar literally puts your white blood cells into…