…evaluating overall thyroid function. You should request the following profile: TSH, Total T4 & T3, Free T4 & T3 and Reverse T3. You should also test for autoimmune thyroid disease if you have never been tested for it before. These tests include: Thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPO), Thyroglobulin antibody (Tg) and TSH Receptor antibody. Evaluate Adrenal function. Both thyroid and adrenal function are intimately linked. They both depend on each other for proper function. A proper…
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Prostate Cancer Testing: Navigating The Maze
…by reading the Doppler shifts of the returning sound waves and distinguishes them by assigning different colors for each value. Whereas a conventional ultrasound would just show you variations in a grey scale image, Color Doppler utilizes color images to show the actual direction of blood flow. This makes it an invaluable tool for mapping blood flow and velocity in and out of a tumor site. With this information your physician can see exactly how…
Thirsty? How About A Nice Cold Glass Of Formaldehyde?
…amino acids are not processed in the same way as when obtained naturally through complete proteins. Instead, they overstimulate brain cells, literally “exciting them to death”. This is why aspartame is classified as an excitotoxin. Leave it to modern ingenuity and corporate greed to take two natural substances, combine it with a known poison and call it safe. Further contributing to it’s toxicity is the methanol component of aspartame. When ingested, methanol is converted by…
Your Cancer Lifestyle
…amalgam dental fillings consider having them removed. Have this done by a holistic dentist experienced in the safe removal of amalgams. Contact me for a do it yourself protocol that helps protect you from mercury contamination during this process. Fish: Unfortunately most fish has some degree of mercury contamination. Generally, the larger the fish the more mercury it will contain. Choose fish that tend to contain the least mercury. Do not consume fish that are…
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Thank you for your donation! Your support helps to keep quality content available for all here on HealthySolutions4Living.com and on my nutritional database www.HealthySolutions4Living.info. Best in Health, John …