…on the right track. It’s common for people to have more than one food sensitivity. If your improvements are not as dramatic as you had hoped, you may be dealing with multiple sensitivities. So don’t let your investigation end with gluten. Food intolerances are among the leading causes of unexplained illness. At the end of this post I have listed some additional resources regarding Crohn’s disease, gluten and gluten sensitivities should you wish to…
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Got Sleep?
…news program will not make you feel very relaxed. Hearing about rising gas prices or a tax increase right before bed will not lead to sound sleep. 19. Read something positive. Reading in bed before retiring can be quite relaxing provided it’s not a thriller or spy novel. Something uplifting and positive is the best read before bed. 20. Put the computer away! Put your computer away at least two hours before bedtime. Many people…
Flu Shot or Not?
…most drug and grocery stores as well as your local health food store. For dosing, follow the label directions. Avoid caffeine when using this product to avoid neutralizing it’s affect. While nothing is 100% guaranteed when it comes to health, the basic steps listed above will help give you a fighting chance against contracting the flu. Should you wish to explore more advanced or customized immune enhancement methods, feel free to contact me for…
Thank You
Thank you for your donation! Your support helps to keep quality content available for all here on HealthySolutions4Living.com and on my nutritional database www.HealthySolutions4Living.info. Best in Health, John …
Get The Most From Your Nutritional Supplements
…to include the other half of the E spectrum, tocotrienols. Take a full spectrum tocotrienol supplement that includes alpha, beta, delta and gamma tocotrienols. ▪ Vitamin K comes in three forms K1, K2 and K3. Vitamin K supplements should have a balanced amount of K1 and K2. Vitamin K3 is a specialized synthetic form of Vitamin K for use in special circumstances and is only available by prescription. B-Complex and Vitamin C: ▪ B-Complex vitamins…