…positive effect on the prevention and treatment of cancer. Investigators have found that blueberries significantly inhibit the proliferation of breast, intestinal, gastric and prostate cancers. Oddly, the researchers found no correlation between blueberry’s antioxidant properties and cancer prevention indicating the presence of other cancer fighting compounds. One such compound, pterostilbene, is a powerful anti-inflammatory compound, high concentration of which is found in blueberries. Pterostilbene has been shown to induce apoptosis (pre-programmed cell death) in cancer…
Search Results for: http:/www.9ciyuan.com/index.php/vod/play/id/3070/sid/9/nid/115.html濮cFw
Tick Alert! Learn how to protect yourself.
…most recent bite was this past December! Being too rushed to follow my own advice to take precautions, I was outside working without “protection”. Fortunately, I noticed the tick relatively quickly and removed it without incident. Now if Lyme Disease, Ehrlichia, Babesia, Bartonella and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever are not enough, there is a new player on the field, the Powassan Virus. Recently I re-posted an article from NYUPSTATE.COM describing the CDC’s growing concern over the…
Thank You
Thank you for your donation! Your support helps to keep quality content available for all here on HealthySolutions4Living.com and on my nutritional database www.HealthySolutions4Living.info. Best in Health, John …
Gluten Gluttony
…felt achy. I had noticeable brain fog and just felt “droopy”. I did not end up eating anything until later in the day because of the full feeling I had. That was my light bulb moment. I realized that all this time I had been dealing with a gluten sensitivity that had gone undiagnosed. All the tests I had (and I had them all) failed to detect my sensitivity to gluten. The common philosophy…
Get The Most From Your Nutritional Supplements
…to include the other half of the E spectrum, tocotrienols. Take a full spectrum tocotrienol supplement that includes alpha, beta, delta and gamma tocotrienols. ▪ Vitamin K comes in three forms K1, K2 and K3. Vitamin K supplements should have a balanced amount of K1 and K2. Vitamin K3 is a specialized synthetic form of Vitamin K for use in special circumstances and is only available by prescription. B-Complex and Vitamin C: ▪ B-Complex vitamins…