…acids), bonded together by 10% methanol. Yes, I said methanol. You may know it as wood alcohol, the chemical that causes blindness when ingested. (Methanol is sometimes used in moonshine to improve it’s “kick”. Hence the term, “blind drunk”.) Phenylalanine and aspartic acid are are harmless when consumed in their natural form as constituents of protein. However, these amino acids have been isolated, altered and concentrated into a powerful neurotoxin. In this denatured form, these…
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Your Cancer Lifestyle
…as it mixes easily with everything. MSG is a substance used to bring out the flavor in foods and I have been finding it unexpected places. MSG is classified as an excitotoxin and should not be consumed. Fluoride: Generally considered safe, fluoride is a mutagen linked to cancer. If you have city water and not a well you will want to remove the fluoride or use bottled spring water. In order to remove fluoride from…
Antidepressants: Panacea or Just Bad Medicine?
…health care provider if you become pregnant or think you are pregnant during treatment with LATUDA If you become pregnant during treatment with LATUDA, talk to your health care provider about registering with the National Pregnancy Registry for Atypical Antipsychotics. You can register by calling 1-866-961-2388 or going to http://womensmentalhealth.org/clinical-and-research-programs/pregnancyregistry/ are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not known if LATUDA passes into your breast milk. Talk to your health care provider about the…
Tick Alert! Learn how to protect yourself.
…not contain any DEET, which is a dangerous neurotoxin and should never be applied to the skin. Of course, the chemical companies that manufacture this poison would have you believe otherwise. For children I recommend this product in towelette form as it is easy to apply and there is no danger of getting any product in the eyes. The second product is Sawyer SP657. This is a clothing and gear tick repellent. IT IS…