Got Sleep? Drug Free Strategies For Improving Sleep Quality By: John King Many of my clients ask me, “What can I take to get a good night’s sleep?” While I have no problem with using supplements to promote sleep, they are often unnecessary if you incorporate some simple lifestyle changes into your daily routine….
Thirsty? How About A Nice Cold Glass Of Formaldehyde?
Thirsty for Formaldehyde? By: John King If someone came up to you on a hot summer’s day and offered you a cold refreshing glass of formaldehyde, would you drink it? Hopefully not! Well, unknowingly, you could be doing just that. Everyone is talking about how bad sugar is for our health. It’s talked about in…
Why I Am Not A Fan Of Calorie Counting
Why I am Not A Fan Of Calorie Counting For Weight Loss By: John King I was watching The Today Show the other day and happened to catch one of their regular segments Eat This Not That with David Zinczenko. During the segment, David takes us through examples of foods we eat and calorie…
Politics, GMOs & Your Health
Politics, GMOs & Your Health By: John King I was thinking of what to write about for my first post. Should it be informational? Should it be about some sort of new supplement or health trend? I decided to do neither and pose a few questions…
Welcome To My Website! By: John King Greetings and thank you for visiting my blog. My name is John King and I am a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and researcher. Since 1992, I have been studying the factors that lead to chronic disease, premature aging and the general breakdown of health. I have…